Clicking on a joker will discard all current cards in your hand and draw 7 cards. You can also click on a joker once you have run out of cards to avoid defeat.
Choose cards to deal damage and activate suits. Playing card works in the following order:
You can always play a single card regardless of card value.
Pets can be played along side any other card other than pets. Pets cannot be played if you are uisng Fast Play.
This allows you to play multiple cards together if:
All cards of the same value.
The total sum is less than or equal to 10
Suits of the same kind as the current enemy do not take effect.
If you play multiple suits (ace + other, or fast play multiple cards) then all suits will take affect.
To defeat an enemy you must reduce their health below 0
If you defeat an enemy with exact damage (bringing their health eactly to 0) then you have captured the enemy and will be placed at the top of the draw pile.
Discard cards equivalent or more than the strength value of the enemy.
If the enemy has a strength value of 0, then this step is skipped.